Biblioteca Județeană "Alexandru D. Xenopol" Arad

  • Star pieces : the enduring beauty of spectacular furniture
  • Tipul înregistrării: Grafică bidimensională: monografic
    Autor: Linley, David (1961- )
    Autor alternativ: Cator, Charles.
    Autor alternativ: Chislett, Helen.
    Responsabilitate: David Linley, Charles Cator, Helen Chislett
    Editura: Monacelli Press
    Locul publicării: New York
    Anul Ediției: 2009
    ISBN: 9781580932592
    Descriere: 256 p. : illustrations (some color)
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: Furniture
    Subiect: Furniture
    Clasificare: 749.1
    Sumar sau abstract: The authors, each of whom are experts on furniture, share their knowledge of its value and importance from an intellectual and emotional perspective, and describe how best to assess it from an aesthetic one, exploring styles, techniques and materials. They introduce twenty golden ages, from the ancient world to the twentieth century, by way of such rich moments as Ming in China, Italian and French Baroque, Chippendale in England, the designs of Newport and Philadelphia in America, Neoclassicism in France, Russia and Sweden, Biedermeier, Shaker and Art Deco. They also spotlight the most brilliant contemporary international designers, both those who see furniture as akin to fine art and those who simply enjoy the craft involved. They explain how your own star piece can enrich an interior with glamour, drama and personality and advise on how to commission a unique handmade piece and buy antique furniture.
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