Biblioteca Județeană "Alexandru D. Xenopol" Arad

  • The Secret Life of Space
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: Couper, Heather.
    Responsabilitate: Heather Couper
    Editura: Aurum Press Ltd
    Locul publicării: London
    Anul Ediției: 2015
    ISBN: 978-1-78131-393-0
    Descriere: 304 p. + 6 [f.] foto
    Note: Index p. 289-298
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: astronomie. astronomi
    Subiect: explorarea spațiului cosmic
    Clasificare: 52
    Sumar sau abstract: The fascination with Space is one, which has gripped us throughout history. Nigel Henbest and Heather Couper, two world-renowned scientists in astrophysics, chart our discoveries throughout the ages in The Secret Life of Space. Revealing the true stories behind our biggest breakthroughs in astronomy and space exploration, they detail the chance, intuition and painstaking scientific investigation, which have led and continue to lead, to the greatest moments of cosmic discovery. Starting with the wayward asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, The Secret Life of Space leads us through history via Galileo's development of the telescope into the instrument we use today; Newton's discovery of gravity; the findings of Stanley Hey during the Second World War that solar storms affected the radar, not the Germans; to today's increasing possibility of space travel as we push the frontiers of discovery and the perennial question, is there life out there? Henbest and Couper open up this world of black holes, quasars, pulsars and supernova; celebrating the scientists and their discoveries, which continue to debunk theories, expand the possibilities of scientific breakthrough and keep the world captivated.
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